Divemaster Internship
Archive Blogs of our PADI Divemaster Internship in Tenerife
Well its the 10th week of my Divemaster Internship already and I cant believe how quick its going. I imagine after a week of being home I’ll want to be back out here diving again, and that’s what just might happen…
Big news for Paradise Divers is that Dan is now a proud owner of a new RIB, much larger and quicker than his previous one allowing more divers to go out and enjoy the dive sites. I’m buzzing to get out on it and dive from it.
This week we were out on a DSD (discover scuba diving course for beginners) and another Divemaster intern spotted yet more Angel Shark. At El Puertito this time. Two very lucky customers got to see that, and of course the turtles were on top form spending plenty of time with us.
Myself and Dan went out to El Puertito to do a Project AWARE dive. This means taking a net bag with us and picking up any rubbish laying on the sea bed. Its surprising how much stuff we came out with. Its sad really because the turtles or any other sea life could easily get trapped or tangled up and result in serious harm. We collected together a lot of glass bottles, cans, plastic bottles, rope, and even fishing lines with hooks still attached. Although it was a cleaning dive I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Gabor –Like everything, what has a beginning, also has an end.
This is the ending point of my internship to become a Divemaster. Must say it was really great 12 weeks in my life with lots of studies, knowledge and practical exams. I met with new people, never felt as an outsider, much much more as a family member of Paradise Divers! They were patient all the time, opened for any questions and the high level of knowledge.
On my last week Dan sprang on me some rescue scenarios during a normal dive when I needed to “save” Alvaro 🙂 But this is the way you learn and prepare for these things. How to think and act fast. This week we started and finished our mapping project with Alvaro. We did 5 dives for this. Covered the map, bearings, points of interest, discover marine life and measurements (length, depth). It sounds easy… but it isn’t. You must calculate a lot of things together to get the final map. A very enjoyable and fun project.
I wish to all of you safe and joyful dives where-ever you dive!
Alvaro – Just finished my Divemaster Internship
It has been a stage in my life with a high level of learning in many aspects in which I wasn’t ready or trained in. Not even 1 day went by without learning anything.
When I decided to start this project I guess I didn’t know all the good that it would bring me. Starting with the importance of working with customers. You always must keep a good face, smile, words of encouragement, confidence and support. Mainly to show people that you are always available for them on their diving experience. We discovered how a diving center works from within, with its good things and difficult things. I have a better understanding of how servicing of regulators, hoses, first stages, BCD’s, cylinder is done and how the compressor works.
Not to mention the opportunity to see many marine life that I had never seen before, know how to dive myself underwater, lead dives, assist instructors, solving real problems that exist, be responsible of a group of divers, students or kids. In all this time I’ve done over 120 dives in 3 months and I could say that each has given me different and new experience and knowledge. I never had the feeling of having nothing more to learn.
Now its time to see what the future holds for me and surely I’ll make a good use of all this experience.
Greetings to all